
No man ever truly works alone. Listed below are individuals, institutions, and agencies that have assisted in the development of this site, by providing technical support, specimen data, property access, financial assistance, or combinations of the preceding - all in the pursuit of my obsession.  The following individuals, institutions, and agencies have provided valuable assistance in the development of this website and/or it's content.

Kristen Giles (Houston, Texas) was the inspiration and motivation behind the development of this site.  In addition, she provided technical assistance, and valuable constructive criticism, about the format and content.  Peggy Edwards (Scotts Valley, California) first introduced me to the efforts to save Gillie's Hill, and spent many days in the field with me during the summer of 2008 making collections.  The folks at Save Gillie's Hill Campaign have, on two occasions, been gracious enough to provide lodging, transportation, and meals while I conducted fieldwork in and around Stirling, Scotland.  However, the greatest contribution made by the group, has been the true friendship established in the course of my stay.  Countless Texas Master Naturalist chapter members have contributed specimens from their local chapter areas to aid in completing county level inventories, and have volunteered their time and talents assisting with various projects at the herbarium.  

The National Park Service, Big Thicket National PreserveTexas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Nature Conservancy each provided access to many of their properties for collecting.  Numerous land owners throughout the state of Texas have graciously allowed access to their property through the Texas Ecolab (Dripping Springs, Texas) program.

Texas and National Herbaria directly provided specimen data, or granted access to their holdings for photographing collections to be used in compiling species lists for the state.  These include: S.M. Tracy Herbarium (TAES/TAMU), University of Texas-Austin (TEX/LL), University of Texas-El Paso (UTEP), Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT/SMU/VDB), Hardin Simmons University (HSU), Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAIC), Stephen F. Austin State University (ASTC), Texas Tech University (TTC), Sul Ross State University (SRSC), Spring Branch Science Center (SBSC), Sam Houston State University (SHST), Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), New York Botanical Garden (NY), Duke University (DUKE), University of California-Berkeley (UC/JEPS). 

The Western National Parks Association generously provided three years of funding along with an additional grant from the Big Thicket Association's All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory to conduct fieldwork in the Big Thicket National Preserve from 2008-2011.